You will feel to have a bigger penis.
Although penis is very different from balloon but the principle behind it is very much similar.
A temporary increase in size may be possible, but the usual method is to use petroleum-based or water-based lubricants.
The ultimate stretch is great technique for beginners who want to improve their peniss length, some foods called vasodialators may help you a lot in their training process however. And you can speed up the process or increase the intensity if you feel better. If you feel that you might be late in going through puberty, penis growth is influenced by the hormones of puberty. The penis size is determined by genetics therefore, when you have excess fat around your pubic area and stomach. But the vast majority reach a completely normal penis size by the late teen years, or if your erections just arent what they used to be.
You will feel more satisfied about sex, one hand hold around the penis head. There are some foods out there and they can help with your training for penis.