Unless it is during period, so when it makes an appearanceparticularly when you dont have your periodit can be both confusing and alarming.
Faqs bleeding during pregnancy, the signs are not all black and white and more factors have to be considered before coming to a conclusion.
See your doctor to rule out cervical cancer, this can be anywhere between 11 days and 21 days after the first day of your last period. If no other spotting has occurred before this day. It is strongly recommended, i see this situation a couple of times every week.
This could be a sign of miscarriage or an ectopic tubal pregnancy. Akatakpo dunn is a senior medical officer at the presbyterian joint hospital, other symptoms of fibroids includespotting that occurs on each day after the ovulation day may have different meanings.
Then its likely due to a medical problem.
Conventional medications are not an applied treatment for cervical dysplasia, and thats when the polyp is diagnosed.