Which is when the redness is at its worst and the contrast between the normal skin colour and the redness can be clearly seen. Blue-colored skin changesurethritis is an infection of the urethra.
Take the time to pull back your foreskin and clean underneath.
The infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2, those who are uncircumcised are generally at a greater risk however.
Stis may affect the whole penis and area around it or just one area, which condition is actually causing your redness at the tip of the penisfree.
Redness on the penis head is often associated with itching. Redness on the penis tip is also known as balanitis and those who are uncircumcised are more at risk. The end of the penis becomes irritated. And through physical examination of the damaged skin. Penile thrush thrush is a yeast infection that the fungus candidiasiscauses.